Monday, June 22, 2009

Measure for measure

Measure for measure

I had never read anything from Shakespeare before last night, you can call me uncultured, but i never saw the point and never was forced to do it for school before. i think his texts probably were amazing 200 years ago, when English wasn’t as modern and simplified as it is today… but now it’s way off. i don’t see the point of reading something i can barely understand. it’s like reading a story in german when you don’t know german… well to me reading a story in old english is the same thing. i’d rather use my time to read something i can actually understand instead of showing off to other people by reading stuff i need to use a dictionary for every word. but anyway… i guess i read one of the easiest ones of his, because it wasn’t actually THAT hard to understand. i got the main idea.. which was the point i think. and we also only had an excerpt to read, which was about 15 pages long. it was a story about someone being condemned, so we had to read it for my humanities/social studies class. and i’m not criticizing his work, i just think it’s not very appropriate for our century.

and since i have an intensive summer course, we have about 30 pages to read a night in our course textbook, and every class we have a quiz on the reading just so the teacher knows we actually do the reading assigned, and today we had one on the Shakespeare story, of course. once we’re done with the quiz, the teacher always picks them up, and then redistribute them randomly so we can correct them together. so you usually correct somebody else’s quiz.

the first question of the quiz was: ” name two of the characters in the play.” and the person i was correcting wrote ” angelo, isabella, duke, claudio, lucio, juliet and i could name so many more… ” at first i only saw that she wrote many names, so i thought “good for her..” and then i see that little comment she wrote after the names. how hilarious! how vain! the teacher clearly asked for two names, and she wrote down six of them, but also.. included some conceited comment as well. i thought it was pretty funny. i wrote “WHAT?” super big next to her answer. as big as her ego, and big enough so she notices it!

so you guessed, it’s still all about school, and work and work! the good news is i’ve been working on a project, and won’t tell you now what exactly it is because i want to keep it secret for a while, and basically until my ideas are a little bit more clear. i will be working intensively on it for the next month, and then i’ll be able to tell you all about it! i might not be able to wait that long, i love to share my ideas, so yeah, we’ll see.

oh, and in my humanities class we have a 1500 words paper due for friday. the point of the paper is to relate an ethical issue or a few ethical issues to the program we were in during college. i was in arts and culture… so it’s kinda hard to think of ethical issues related to art. well, there’s a few! but it’s still harder than let’s say if you were in science, or social studies. but i went and talked to the teacher after class today, and she was being very helpful. at first i was planning on doing it on copyright issues (which is one of my favorite topic, i’ve used it in papers before, you probably know if you’ve been reading this blog for a while) but then i was worried that the paper would end up being too informative rather than argumentative. when i was talking to her we ended up concluding that it would be better for me to do it on censorship! why didn’t i think about this before! such a smart idea. censorship is one of the most fascinating topics. especially when you compare different countries, and cultures. so i’ll do it on that. i have four days left to do it, not bad! and if i hand it in next monday instead of friday i will only lose five marks. not too bad either for three extra days!

and yes, if you didn’t guess already, that is a picture of shakespeare that i found using the amazing and lovely Google.

Posten on by Alex Evans

Saturday, June 20, 2009

All that jazz

All that jazz

So a while ago i posted on my twitter that maybe i was gonna go see Chicago (the musical) in Montreal, it’s here june 16th to june 21st, and i’ve never seen a Broadway before.. so i’ve been planning on going. two weeks ago, i asked a friend to go with me, and bought the tickets online with my credit card. then, a week later, visa calls me and tells me there was some kind of problem with the online transaction and that basically, i’ve got no tickets and should try to buy them again. WHAT! a week later… all the good seats are gone. i told my parents about the situation and was very upset. i always wanted to see Chicago especially, and i had been avoiding seeing the movie just in case i would eventually end up seeing the broadway.

anyway.. so that was it. no more Chicago in montreal for me. i just gave up. i didn’t want to have to sit super far away from the stage, there’s just no point. and then, two days ago, around lunch time, my mom calls me and guess what! she got us tickets to go see Chicago that night, and not just that! first row! middle seats! i almost passed out! i’ve got no clue how she even was able to get such tickets.

so we went. my mom and i. (i feel bad that i didn’t end up going with my friend, after all it was the plan…. so screw you visa… but then my lovely mama saved the day) and it was seriously amazing. i doubt it would’ve been the same sitting super far away. i had never seen one before as i said earlier, so it was a very good first time. they were all great actors/singers/dancers (yes.. they really do it all) and the story was interesting. i doubt i’d go see musicals that often… most of them are super cheesy. i think that’s why i wanted to go see chicago so bad, cause it’s more drama. it’s a story about murder, and all. like seriously, the lion king or chicago? the right answer seems clear to me..

other than that, the past days have pretty much been about summer school. i have classses everyday, morning and night, so i haven’t go much time to do things. it’s a lot of homework every night, and i don’t get much rest. i was taking a lovely nap earlier to catch up some rest, and about an hour later some of my mom’s friends came to pick something up and my dog started barking like it was the end of the world. i think he didn’t stop for like ten minutes. it was so upsetting. it’s the worst, and most annoying way to get waken up.

on a more positive notes, i have a few photoshoots planned in the next few days. i asked a few friends to model for me, and they said yes, so that’s good! gotta build that photography portfolio!

Posted by

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Alex Evans

Alex Evans

This picture is one of my favorites. I love his sunglasses, his smile, his hair... :) And yes, i think this is going to be my display picture! =]

New Twitter! ->
Follow me! :)

Thanks! xo! :) <3

Hush hush

Hush Hush

Don't you just love this picture? It's so... original, beautiful... Love it! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">this picture...
This blog is still new, but i'll try to get more impolite lovers, who read Alex Evans' blog, visit his photo gallery, follow him on twitter, buy his impolite clothes, or just love his clothing line, love what he's doing, love his pictures, etc...
So, i'm gonna make a twitter, so all alexevans'/impolite lovers can follow me (lol) :]]
<3 :) xo!

Temporary, everything is temporary

Temporary, everything is temporary

Summer school is surprisingly a lot of fun. i never thought i’d ever say anything that even comes close to this, but so far, i’m so glad i enrolled for summer school. the teachers are awesome, and it’s so easy.. i mean, it’s a lot of work since they’re intensive classes, but at the same time, it feels easier? it’s hard to explain. in my gym classes, we usually just go outside and jog around the city. yesterday we went on the mount royal (a huge mountain downtown montreal) and we kinda chilled there for a while, it was fun. and my humanities teacher is one of the best teachers i’ve ever had. she’s so laid back, she keeps laughing and making jokes, but like… not stupid jokes. she kinda just laughs at herself constantly. if i’d be a little bit more outspoken, i’d ask her if she could model for me. i’m serious! she looks interesting, in a positive way.

the stressful part though is…. i soon need to start looking at universities. and there are so many of them. how are you supposed to make the right choice? i’m definitely looking at a few in california. i wouldn’t wanna stay in montreal for another 3 or 4 years. i’m bored.. i’ve been living here for 18 years. plus, change can never be bad. and studying a few streets away from the beach? who would say no to that? i love the beach. and the sun!

i added a few pictures on the gallery ! i’m happy that your comments were mostly positive about it. i’ll keep adding more pictures on it, so make sure you check back once in a little while!

i have to go study for an exam that i have tomorrow now.

Nice picture! <3

New Photo Gallery!

New Photo Gallery!

the past days i’ve been working on a new photo gallery for this website. if you’ve been visiting for a while, you probably remember how it used to have a similar one, like a year or two ago, but then i ended up having to delete it because it was using too much bandwidth on the website server. but, the good news is i’ve been on a way better server for the past few months and decided that maybe it was time for me to make a new gallery. it took a little while, i had to find and organize all my recent pictures (yes… my stuff is all over the place on my computers, external hard drives, etc). as of now, there is 75 pictures in the gallery, and this number will most likely go up in the next few days. there are so many pictures i haven’t added yet.

and also.. i find having a gallery right here, on my own website, so much more efficient. i won’t need to link you out to 20 different websites whenever i have a new picture, you can just come here, look at the gallery, and see whether i have new pictures or not. how does that sound? i think it’s a good idea, and also, it’s a good way for me to display my photography portfolio. i also changed the layout of the blog a little bit. it had been the exact same thing for months. i changed a few text fonts, backgrounds and colors. if you have any suggestions, you can always let me know.

i have a huge headache, i’ve been working on the website basically all day long. and spending too much time on the computer drives me insane. so this post will be short, but make sure to look at the new photo gallery, and let me know what you think about it!

you can either click here to visit the new photo gallery, or click on the photo gallery picture on the sidebar.

I looved the new gallery! <3 :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Le coeur pour femme

Le coeur pour femme

le coeur pour femme is printed on a eggplant sheer jersey 2-sided top from american apparel.

Cost: $20.00

I really love it! (: